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May 13, 2020
The city of Cesky Krumlov
Perhaps I shouldn't be posting this. I shouldn't be encouraging another tourists to come to this small town as it's overcrowded already...

Apr 30, 2020
Czech Grand Canyon, Amerika quarry
So we have got our very own Grand Canyon in Czech Republic..not far from the capital. The Amerika quarry is located in Central Bohemian...

Apr 24, 2020
The city of Ceske Budejovice
Not many words needed. I always knew my hometown is beautiful and photogenic. That was the reason why we created the Calendar 2019 around...

Nov 14, 2019
Vegan friendly podniky v Českých Budějovicích
Město České Budějovice jde s dobou a na rostlinné jídlo narazíte na mnoha místech. O mých nejoblíbenějších si můžete přečíst zde na webu...
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